Romantic Text Message Strategies

1. Do not be boring and predictable. Boringness and predictability is the most deadly type of crime committed by text-fencing. Your texts should be funny and interesting. If you aren't able to think of anything fun or interesting to say, then you probably shouldn't text her at all.For instance, you shouldn't begin a text conversation by sending messages that are as dull as "Hey :)" or "How is your day going?" It's a total snorefest. The messages will be from the people she meets, so be sure to are different. Do something that is a bit different, something that will give her a reason to answer, for instance "you completely cheated on football last night. I want a rematch.

2. Make it personal. Text messages may feel a bit impersonal. This will help you establish a stronger bond between you and your partner. Use her name in a message -girls get a real satisfaction from seeing their names in a message. There's something more intimate about it. You could also use her unique nicknameto make it seem like you're laughing at each other. Use the words "us", "we" in your messages. This creates the positive "me and you against all the world" feeling that girls love.

3. Don't forget to pay her a compliment. Example: "Wow, your hair looks so amazing today. It's quite simple-girls love being praised as they feel valued and valued. If you're able to include a few compliments that are positive into your messages, do it. Make use of a classic and powerful compliment like "I am unable to help thinking about you in that blue and black dress" or something that is more original like "you have a quirky sense of humor but I really like it." Do not play a joke on her. False compliments can be spotted by women right away. Take a look at this lovely relationship messages for more.

4. Be secretive. It's not a bad idea to be slightly mysterious in your text messages -you want her to think you're chasing her and not the other way around, so try to be a bit vague or distant at times but not too much so she gets suspicious of your behavior. If, for instance, she asks you how your day went do not reply with a long message detailing every single boring detail (see Step 1). You could try something such as "It's really bizarre." It amazes me that people are so interesting. It is likely that she will be curious and will ask you for more details in the following message. Or if she asks what your plans are for the weekend, be careful not to give too much information (unless you have genuinely intriguing plans). You won't be able convince her that you're just going to be spending the weekend working on some paper. Tell her you're going to kill some dragons or something similar It doesn't have to be true as long as the tale is intriguing.

5 .Tease her a little. Tasting is a fantastic flirting technique that creates a kind of intimacy that you can share without getting too serious. As I've said that calling your girl cute nicknames (one which you will only use) is a fantastic way of making fun of her. A few examples of cute nicknames include "freckles" as well as "little miss perfect". You can tell her something you heard or saw the last time you had a hangout. For example, you can say that she's having Coke. But do not pour it down your nose the same way you did last time. This is call-back humor. It draws attention to the times you had fun and makes her feel positive about your relationship. You must be respectful and not mean-spirited, otherwise your relationship via text will quickly end.

6 Make yourself seem attractive. You can't have an intimate text-female connection without flirty, naughty suggestions to keep it exciting. You could also ask her what dress she's wearing. Another way to trick her is to use a casual comment and then misinterpret it as sexual. Take, for instance she says "I can't believe the length!" You can respond by saying "that's what she said" in the case of a movie, or another similarly harmless subject. If you're nervous about going down sexing, you can casually mention you just got out of the shower. If she responds in a sexually flirtatious way (like "dang. I'd like that") it's possible to see that she's open to the idea. Take a look at this fascinating love messages for more.

Text Flirting Etiquette
1. Keep your messages brief and simple. Text messages that are long and lengthy can be annoying and can look like you are overly excited. Keep your messages brief and concise. A maximum of two or three sentences is a good limit. Every message should be humorous and clever or sweet.

2. Send the same amount of messages. You should always make sure to send the same number of messages to all the people in your texting relationships. Sending too many text messages can make you appear a little too eager or open. You'll appear to be coming on too strong -which will make her feel scared or make her lose interest. In the opposite situation, you might seem disinterested or even make her believe that you're messaging several girls at once. If this is the case, she may decide to dismiss you as a loser. To reach a compromise, send approximately equal numbers of text messages to each other, with the balance tilted slightly in your direction if you can. It is crucial to pay attention who initiates and concludes every conversation. Alternate if you can.

3. Be careful about grammar and spelling. Your text messages should give an impression that you're smart and clever. This can be difficult to do if the person who is "txtin' lyk dis" isn't a genuine person. Teenagers can do it without much trouble, but everyone over 18 should be careful with spelling and grammar.
In order to make yourself appear smart it isn't necessary to look up important words. Instead, go through each text before you send it. This ensures that there are no obvious spelling errors or typos. How your text is understood will depend on the way you write your punctuation. For example, if a girl has sent you a photo of her wearing a new dress, "wow!" sounds a lot more enthusiastic than just "wow" however "I like it ..." is a lot more flirty and suggestive as opposed to "I love it". Be careful not to overdo it with the exclamation points, questions marks, smiley face, winky faces and other emoticons. They are extremely effective when used when used in the right context however they can be a bit snobby if overused. Take a look at this sweet and beautiful text message for love for info.

4. Don't let the conversation continue to drag on. The ability to close the conversation is among the most essential skills to master when texting. If you allow texting sessions to go on for long enough, you'll be bored of something interesting to say and the conversation will quickly become awkward and boring. It is important to finish the conversation before you reach that point, so you can always leave her wanting more. Try to end the conversation with something cute and flirty like "gotta go, girl I'll see you next week. You don't have to engage in any sort of problems with me. or "Time to sleep. I must find my time to rest my beauty." Have a wonderful night!"

5. Text flirting should not be used to substitute for actual flirting. It's not a good idea to use texting as a means to flirt during actual flirting sessions. Texting is great, and you can say things in text that you'd feel embarrassed to speak in person. However, nothing can beat the thrill of flirting in person. Texting can help you plan your next casual gathering or to arrange a date. Texting gives you a purpose, and it is something you enjoy and look forward to. Remember that long eye contact, bright smiles, and a gentle stroke of the arm can outdo any other word on the screen.

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